Symposium e
Optically Resonant Nanostructures
Harry Atwater (Caltech, United States)
Connie Chang-Hasnain (Berxel, China)
Costantino De Angelis (University of Brescia, Italy)
Jennifer Dionne (Stanford University, United States)
Andrey Fedyanin (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
Javier Garcia de Abajo (ICFO, Spain)
Patrice Genevet (Colorado School of Mines, United States)
Harald Giessen (the 4th Physics institute, University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Mikael Käll (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Yuri Kivshar (Australian National University, Australia)
Uriel Levy (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Natasha Litchinitser (Duke University, United States)
Boris Luk’yanchuk (Moscow State University, Russia)
Stefan Maier (Monash University, Australia)
Arka Majumdar (University of Washington, United States)
Sergey Makarov (Harbin Engineering University, China)
Laura Liu Na (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Dragomir Neshev (ustralian National University, Australia)
Cheng-Wei Qiu (NUS, Singapore)
Jon Schuller (UCSB, United States)
Cesare Soci (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Andreas Tittl (University of Munich, Germany)
Din Ping Tsai (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
The symposium will cover major topics of resonant nanophotonics including resonant effects in both metallic and high-index dielectric nanostructures and their applications. We will consider both novel nanophotonic concepts as well as applications, including industry perspective on the field.
The Symposium will cover the following topics:
• Nanoantennas: scattering directivity, near-field and fluorescence enhancement, strong coupling effects;
• Metasurfaces and their applications, including flat optics;
• Multi-layer and multi-element flat optics systems;
• Active light-emitting nanophotonic nanodevices and nanolasers;
• Dynamically tunable nanoantennas and metasurfaces;
• Nonlinearities in resonant nanostructures;
• Quantum nanophotonics;
• New physical phenomena related to resonances in dielectric and plasmonic nanostructures (topological, non-local, non-Hermitian, spatial-temporal and others).
• Emerging material platforms for nanophotonics
Industry perspective and applications
Arseniy Kuznetsov (IMRE, Singapore)
Nikolay Zheludev (NTU/Uni. of Southampton, UK)
Yuri Kivshar (Australian National Uni., Australia)
Boris Luk’yanchuk (Moscow State Uni., Russia)
Mark Brongersma (Stanford Uni., US)
Scientific Advisor
Si-Young Choi (Pohang)
Yeng Ming Lam
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore