Symposium V
Extreme Materials and Systems
This symposium covers all materials and devices (i) with exceptional properties and performance and/ or (ii) developed for extreme environments. Some of these exceptional properties include, but are not limited to, ultrahigh specific strength, toughness, negative Poisson’s ratio, negative thermal coefficient of thermal expansion, specific energy capacity, electron mobility, bandgaps, superconductivity, radiation resistance, thermal resistance, thermal conductivity, ultrafast laser pulses, ultrasmall or ultralarge length scales, energy conversion efficiency etc. Some examples of extreme environments include, but are not limited to, extremely high pressure, vacuum (space), hypervelocity, very high/ low strain rate, very high/ low temperatures, corrosive environments, energetic and reactive environments etc. Fundamental studies of materials in these extreme environmental conditions are also welcomed. By bringing together leading researchers from institutions and the industry, the symposium hopes to foster new dialogue and collaborations that will match novel materials with extreme properties to applications in extreme environments to further engineering possibilities.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
• Intelligent/smart materials;
• Quantum materials;
• Materials for quantum computing;
• Advanced ceramics, metal alloys, polymers, composites and coatings;
• Advanced structural and metamaterial designs;
• Protective materials against high-speed dynamic impact;
• Extreme manufacturing techniques including additive manufacturing and metamorphic manufacturing;
• High capacity energy storage and high efficiency energy generation materials and devices;
• High temperature electronic materials;
• Materials and devices for underwater applications;
• Radiation and single event effects on materials;
• Reliability and materials failures;
• Environmentally-assisted cracking and materials degradation (e.g. corrosion, impact, thermal shock);
• Nanomechanical materials behaviour;
• Physics and chemistry behind material failures;
• Computational and analytical modelling;
• Extreme materials discovery using machine learning and artificial intelligence;
Information will be available soon!
Lai Changquan (NTU, Singapore)
Carlos Portela (MIT, US)
Roland Tay (NTU, Singapore)
Hang Yu (Virginia Tech, US)
Timothy Minton (Uni. Colorado Boulder, US)
Scientific Advisor
Si-Young Choi (Pohang)
Yeng Ming Lam
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore