Symposium I
Quantum Materials for Quantum Technology
Our symposium on Quantum Materials for Quantum Technology aims to bring together local and international experts in quantum materials design, characterization, and device technology with a defined focus on scoping future quantum technologies. Topics will include:
• Atomically-thin materials, modified / engineered surfaces, and heterostructure interfaces
• 2D semiconductors as a platform for spin- or spin-valley quantum bits, photon emitters, and quantum sensors
• Magnetic nano- and heterostructures
• Topological and strongly correlated quantum matter
• Unconventional superconductivity
Information will be available soon!
Bent Weber (NTU, Singapore)
Johnson Goh (IMRE, Singapore)
Lu Jiong (NUS, Singapore)
Michael Fuhrer (Monash Uni., Australia)
Vidya Madhavan (Uni. Illinios, US)
Scientific Advisor
Si-Young Choi (Pohang)
Yeng Ming Lam
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore