ICMAT 2025

Symposium H

Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

The wide bandgap semiconductors have attracted considerable attention with the perspective of significant reduction of energy consumption, more power, more frequency bands, better linearity, and improved energy efficiencies. Current 5G (with further 6G communication) deployment has attracted radio-frequency, mmWave, and sub-THz GaN technology potentials in urban mobility. The III-nitride system is also addressing potential deployment in ultraviolet sources and detection optics. More recently, the SiC and Ga2O3-based compound semiconductors show research and development toward robust extreme high power electronics toward automotive and aerospace applications. In particular, compared to current silicon-based electronics, the SiC-based technologies will dominate the electrification of transport and renewables as energy efficiency solutions. The R & D on power electronics has also considered Ga2O3 based semiconductor system as a future energy efficient deployment solution. The scope of this symposium will focus on all aspects of wide bandgap semiconductor technologies including epitaxial growth, material characterization, device processing, and new emerging applications of these material systems.

1. High-power and high-frequency GaN electronics
2. SiC Power Electronics toward electrification of transport and power grids
3. Ga2O3 technologies for power electronics
4. Epitaxy, characterization, and processing of III-nitride layers (GaN, AlN, InAlN, AlGaN)
5. AlGaN/GaN-based materials for deep UV optoelectronics
6. Wideband gap nanostructures and their applications in Electronics, lighting, detection, and sensing

Information will be available soon!


Sudhiranjan Tripathy (IMRE, Singapore)


K. Radhakrishnan (NTU, Singapore)
Shankar Madathil (Uni. Sheffield, UK)
Digbijoy Nath (IISc, India)
Li Xiaohang (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)

Scientific Advisor

Si-Young Choi (Pohang)


Yeng Ming Lam
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Email: ymlam@ntu.edu.sg