ICMAT 2025

Symposium F

Colloidal Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics and Photonics

Benjamin Abécassis (CNRS, France)
Funda Yagci Acar (KU, Turkey)
Uri Banin (Hebrew Univ, Israel)
Maryna Bodnarchuk (Empa, Switzerland)
Simon Boehme (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Benjamin Diroll (Argonne National Laboratory, United States)
Celso de Mello Donegá (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Yitong Dong (University of Oklahoma, United States)
Steven C. Erwin (Naval Research Lab)
Jochen Feldmann (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany)
Raquel Galian (University of Valencia, Spain)
Sandrine Ithurria (ESPCI, France)
Jacek Jasieniak (Monash, Australia)
Cherie Kagen (PU, United States)
Victor Klimov (Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States)
Doh Lee (KAIST, Korea)
Jong-Soo Lee (DGIST, Korea)
Emmanuel Lhuillier (CNRS, France)
Efrat Lifshitz (Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Baiquan Liu (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Maria Antonietta Loi (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Brahim Lounis (Unviersity of Bordeaux, France)
Christopher Murray (University of Pennsylvania, United States)
Sedat Nizamoglu (KU, Turkey)
David J. Norris (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Nuri Oh (Hanyang Univ, Korea)
Sameer Sapra (IIT Delhi, India)
Richard Schaller (Argonne National Laboratory, United States)
Xiao Wei Sun (Southern University of Science and Technology, China)
Hendrik Utzat (UC Berkeley, United States)
Kaifeng Wu (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), China)
Mengfei Wu (NUS, Singapore)
Qihua Xiong (Tsinghua University, China)
Dmitry Yakovlev (TU Dortmund, Germany)
Xuyong Yang (Shanghai University, China)
Haizheng Zhong (BIT, China)
Manoj Sharma

Colloidal semiconductor nanomaterials (e.g., CdSe colloidal quantum dots or colloidal nanoplatelets) with controlled size, shape, and composition in a simple chemistry process are crucial in today’s optoelectronic devices. Fundamental problems with size, shape, structure (core/shell, core/crown/shell) and surface chemistry define the properties which are tailored for specific applications. Strong quantum confinement effect allows strong spontaneous emission for light emitting diodes; while engineering the confinement configuration (type II hetero-structure) can allows optical amplification at lower thresholds. Also by well adjusting the band structures with adjacent layers, colloidal semiconductor nanomaterials can show high performance as photovoltaics or photodetectors. To address these attractive issues, the symposium will cover the general topics from colloidal semiconductor nanoparticle synthesis, functionalization, characterizations, and applications in optoelectronics and photonics. Specifically, this symposium will focus on the topics as follows.

• Novel nanomaterial synthesis and characterization.
• Colloidal quantum dots and their LEDs performances.
• Colloidal quantum dots and their laser demonstrations.
• Quasi-2D nanomaterials (colloidal nanoplatelets) and their assembling structures with surface modifications.
• Colloidal nanoplatelets and their LEDs performances.
• Colloidal nanoplatelets and their structure’s engineering for low threshold lasers.
• Large area integration of nanoparticle assembly, patterning, and coatings for optoelectronic applications.
• Colloidal nanomaterials and their applications in photovoltaics, photodetectors and other optoelectronic devices.
• Advanced spectroscopy and transport studies on carrier dynamics, energy transfers and charge separation processes of nanoparticles and their assemblies.


Hilmi Volkan Demir (NTU, Singapore)
Cuong Dang Steve (NTU, Singapore)


Sohee Jeong (Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), South Korea)
Andrey Rogach (City Uni. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong China)
Maksym Kovalenko (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Scientific Advisor

Si-Young Choi (Pohang)


Yeng Ming Lam
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Email: ymlam@ntu.edu.sg