Symposium e
Optically Resonant Nanostructures
The symposium will cover major topics of resonant nanophotonics including resonant effects in both metallic and high-index dielectric nanostructures and their applications. We will consider both novel nanophotonic concepts as well as applications, including industry perspective on the field.
The Symposium will cover the following topics:
• Nanoantennas: scattering directivity, near-field and fluorescence enhancement, strong coupling effects;
• Metasurfaces and their applications, including flat optics;
• Multi-layer and multi-element flat optics systems;
• Active light-emitting nanophotonic nanodevices and nanolasers;
• Dynamically tunable nanoantennas and metasurfaces;
• Nonlinearities in resonant nanostructures;
• Quantum nanophotonics;
• New physical phenomena related to resonances in dielectric and plasmonic nanostructures (topological, non-local, non-Hermitian, spatial-temporal and others).
• Emerging material platforms for nanophotonics
Industry perspective and applications
Information will be available soon!
Arseniy Kuznetsov (IMRE, Singapore)
Nikolay Zheludev (NTU/Uni. of Southampton, UK)
Yuri Kivshar (Australian National Uni., Australia)
Boris Luk’yanchuk (Moscow State Uni., Russia)
Mark Brongersma (Stanford Uni., US)
Scientific Advisor
Si-Young Choi (Pohang)
Yeng Ming Lam
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore